Divorce Lawyer Carlsbad

Divorce law is complex and requires the help of experienced legal counsel. The end of a marriage is an emotionally charged time that necessitates the help of an attorney who has experienced what you are currently experiencing. Michael Fischer and Craig Van Thiel, partners at Fischer & Van Thiel, L.L.P., combine experience with compassion for residents of Carlsbad and military personnel serving on area bases. They bring together a track record of success with respect and credibility from peers and the courts. The firm of Fischer & Van Thiel provides individualized and dedicated legal advocacy in determining the best outcome for their clients seeking divorce, legal separation or annulment. Our attorneys focus on negotiating agreements short of formal mediation or trials. However, if the mediation table or courtroom is the preferred vehicle for satisfactory results, we will move forward with your best interests and those of your children in mind.

Carlsbad Divorce And Property Division Attorneys

Regardless of the venue necessary to resolve your divorce, we are not interested in airing any “dirty laundry” involving you or your spouse. California is a no-fault state, meaning that the circumstances that led you to divorce court are not necessarily legally relevant. The attorneys at Fischer & Van Thiel are there to assist you in differentiating the facts that are important to you and the facts that are legally relevant to the issues of your case such as:

Full financial disclosure is required in determining support and equitable division of property. Self-employed spouses present particular challenges in determining accurate income levels. Penalties exist for husbands and wives who do not disclose all of their income or assets. A thorough, detail-driven approach by a seasoned divorce lawyer is important to secure a fair agreement based on all the facts. For more information on the divorce, military divorce or dissolution process or to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Carlsbad divorce  attorney, please contact us by filling out our online intake form or calling us at 760-722-7669.